HTML: The Framework of Any Web Page

  Here, we will examine some fundamental blocks of the web development with HTML. In case, you’re full and complete beginner that could not have fundamental grasp of HTML, then this article is for you.

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Convert2XHTML Must be Your Choice Whether You want HTML, XHTML or HTML5 Conversions!   First, here is an intro about HTML and XHTML:   Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the computer language introduced in 1991 as a core format. The object of this language is to write web pages and enable web browsers understand the text, images and other information displayed in a website. Over a period till 2004 several refinements took place and versions released. HTML 4.01 was the last, whereupon web development working groups suggested introducing many features to make HTML easier to use. Accordingly, Extensible Hypertext Markup ...

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Evolution of HTML5 by Convert2xhtml

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WordPress powered websites get attacked by Unscrupulous Elements!

Breaking News! WordPress powered websites get attacked by Unscrupulous Elements! Beware and Take Precautions! The startling and disturbing news of websites powered by the most popular and trusted Content Management System (CMS) WordPress getting attacked by unknown elements with ulterior motives has hit the Internet World.

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Unheard of Web Designing Competition Announced By

  Renowned Website Conversion Service providers online, have come up with a novel idea …..

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Convert2xhtml is Crazy for Love on this Valentine’s Day

Grab Fabulous Prizes This Valentine’s Day Doing What You Likes Most!   Commenting on face book or tweeting in Twitter is the favorite pastime for many of us. Can you believe just for doing this joyful activity, you can get awarded fabulous prizes and gain innumerable lucky benefits? But that’s what we, have announced. We’re the most popular Website Conversion Providers online, creating like magic successful and attractive websites from just a Photoshop image, or any other digital image format. We’ve gone “Love Crazy” – see below how.

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Which is Best CMS – WordPress or Joomla?

  Well – the question looks so simple, but it’s a difficult proposition to answer from the Web designer’s perspective, because both have many advantages and disadvantages as well. Only the circumstances, purpose of the intended website and ability of the website owner, to handle technical matters etc. can decide the option. Anyways, before going into the merits and demerits of the both WordPress and Joomla CMS platforms, let’s first learn briefly about each:

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Success with WordPress Implementation

Useful Tips for achieving Success with WordPress Implementation   WordPress is an excellent Content Management System, most flexible. With this properly implemented at any website by the web developers, it will work magic in interaction with many people at a time, through blogs, forum posts, comments and opinion polls. Yet there are certain common mistakes people commit by oversight in implementation of WordPress CMS. Among the many, here are a few to be careful to avoid and ensure beautiful functionality of WordPress:

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The Advantages of the PSD File Conversion

 Before we get into why is it necessary to convert PSD files, we need to understand what PSD is. PSD is a Photo Shop Document taken out by Adobe System’s Photoshop program. A PSD file is layered so that you can easily alter the image and modify it to suit the presentation of your website.

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Importance of Converting PSD to HTML

With the change of technology ways of web designing industry has been undergoing constant changes and inventions are taking place. Now, the industry has become quiet easier for the web developers and has also become more user-friendly. The need of professional look of the website has given rise to tough competition amongst the online business environment.   Convert PSD to HTML services has seen a dynamic and unique change.

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